St. Bernard Price in the UK

How much should a St. Bernand in the UK?

The Saint Bernard is a breed of enormous dogs which might be famous for their fearless appearance. The St. Bernard is a good family dog. They are gentle and friendly with children, they can be very protective for their owners.

If you have other pets in your house, then St. Bernard will get along well with them as well. The St. Bernard is also known for being very loyal to its human companions, so if you want a pet that will stick by your side through thick and thin then this could be it!

When you are looking to buy a Saint Bernard puppy or even an adult dog, it is important that you find out how much it will cost you. 

St Bernand price in the UK

What is the average price of a Saint Bernard in the UK?

The price of a Saint Bernard puppy can vary widely depending on the quality of the breeder, age and gender. A reputable breeder may charge between  £1,200 to £1,500 for their puppies, while a lower-quality breeder may sell their dogs for less than £500.Female St Bernards are more expensive than males.

Factors affecting the price of Saint Bernard

There are many different factors that can affect the price of this breed and knowing them beforehand will help you make better decisions when buying one of these dogs. The price of a Saint Bernard will depend on several factors-

  • The size of your dog can make them more expensive than smaller breeds. A bigger dog requires more food, which costs more money. They also need larger crates and beds, which cost more money as well.
  • Training their behaviors will be costly as well since they are large dogs that require longer training sessions than smaller breeds do.
  • The price of Saint Bernard also depends on the gender, pedigree and quality of the parent dogs. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the difference between a male and female Saint Bernard?

A: The only difference between males and females is their physical appearance. Males usually weigh around 100 pounds while females are smaller at 80 pounds.

Q: How long do Saint Bernard’s live?

A: The average lifespan of a Saint Bernard is 6-10 years but it can be longer if you take good care of it properly.

Q:Are Saint Bernard dogs good with children?

A:Saint Bernard’s are wonderful with children, especially those who are well behaved. They are very gentle and protective of children in their care. However, Saint Bernard’s should never be left unsupervised with small children as they may knock them over unintentionally. The best age for introducing your child to a Saint Bernard is when they are old enough to understand how big they are.

Q:How much do Saint Bernard dogs eat?

A: Saint Bernard dogs tend to eat more than most breeds because they are so active and burn through their calories so quickly. They will need about 2 cups of dry food per day, split into two meals (morning and evening). You can give them treats or table scraps but these should not make up more than 10% of their diet as this could lead to weight gain and other health problems.

Q:Is it true that Saint Bernard’s are gentle giants?

A:Yes and no. They are sweet and affectionate, but they have a very strong prey drive (they like to chase things). They also have a tendency to drool, especially when they are excited.

Q: Is the Saint Bernard a good guard dog?

A: Yes, a well-trained Saint Bernard can be an excellent guard dog. They are not aggressive towards strangers and are unlikely to attack anyone unless provoked or threatened.

Q: Do they shed a lot?

A: Yes, they shed heavily once or twice a year. Make sure you brush them regularly and invest in some good dog shampoo that will help control shedding. 

Q: Do they drool?

A: Not excessively but they do drool when excited or when eating something delicious!

Q: How often should I feed my Saint Bernard?

A: The amount of food that you feed your Saint Bernard depends on its size and activity level. A smaller dog will need less food than a larger dog would because they burn more calories than larger dogs do. A very active dog will need more food than an inactive dog would because they burn more calories than inactive dogs do too! You should talk to your vet about how much food is appropriate for your dog’s size and activity level.


The Saint Bernard is the perfect dog for anyone who loves big dogs. They are very loyal, protective and good with kids. The only downside is that they require a lot of care and attention which some people may not want to give but if you’re an animal lover then this breed is perfect for you! If you want to buy this type of dog then it is important that you do some research before making an investment into buying one as they require lots of care and attention.

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