Samoyed Price in the UK

How much should a Samoyed cost in the UK?

Samoyeds are large, fluffy dogs that originated in Siberia. They’re known for their thick britches and beautiful white coats, which makes them a favorite among dog owners. Their gentle nature also makes them great companions for families with children. If you’re considering buying a Samoyed puppy or have recently brought home one of these adorable animals, here’s what you need to know about their price ranges.

How much is a Samoyed puppy?

Samoyed dogs are not cheap. The average price for a Samoyed puppy is  £700, with an average price range of  £500- £1,500. If you’re looking for a pup that has been registered with a kennel club, he or she will cost even more.

Samoyed price in the UKWhat are the factors that influence the price range of this puppy?

The puppy’s price will be influenced by many factors, including:

  • Show quality – The best breeders will breed their puppies from champion bloodlines and/or with other show-worthy parents. They can charge more for the resulting puppies because they are more likely to produce top quality dogs, who in turn may earn the breeder more money in the future as show winners or exhibitors themselves. As a general rule, if you see a puppy priced at less than  £500 and it is not advertised as being show quality or bred from champion bloodlines, then there is little chance that you’re purchasing a great dog!
  • Price of each Samoyed in your area – This is important because if local prices are lower than average then it’s likely that local breeders haven’t got a good reputation (or aren’t breeding their dogs well enough). If local prices are higher than average then that means these breeders have developed an excellent reputation through breeding top-quality animals over many years – which makes them worth paying slightly extra!
  • It’s not uncommon for breeders to price their dogs considerably higher than the average price. This is because of the popularity of the breed, and also because it can be difficult to predict how many buyers will come through their doors in any given period. Some may have been bought from a breeder who is charging more than usual, while others may have been bought from a breeder who is charging less than usual.

It’s also worth remembering that breeders often have minimum prices they’re willing to accept – even if it means not making any money at all! This can be because they’re not happy with how many puppies are being produced or because they’re determined not to “sell out” and lose control of their stock – but whatever the reason it’s important for potential buyers to recognize this and factor in any costs associated with buying from them before deciding whether or not the puppy would be worth paying more than another seller might charge.

Read about Samoyed characteristics and ownership requirements

Samoyeds are a great family dog. They are loyal and friendly and eager to please your whole family. They love attention and can be extremely affectionate towards their owners, especially children! They make great pets for families with children as they grow up with them, learning proper behavior at an early age.

Samoyed dogs have a double coat consisting of a short dense undercoat and long guard hairs on the surface. Their coats shed heavily twice each year with the heaviest shedding coinciding with springtime shedding (April – May) and autumnal shedding (August – September). The undercoat is usually soft but heavy for this breed, which means that excessive brushing will cause issues if you don’t brush regularly enough or use proper grooming tools such as combs or brushes designed specifically for Samoyed fur types such as de-shedding tools like Furminator products made specifically for shedding breeds like Samoyeds!

Frequently asked questions on Samoyed dogs-

1.Are Samoyeds good with children?

Samoyeds are very good with children and make excellent family pets. They can be a little rough at times with small kids, but they tend to be very gentle with babies and toddlers.

2. Are Samoyeds good guard dogs?

Samoyeds are great guard dogs because they are very alert and will bark when something is wrong. They do not make good watchdogs though because they tend to bark at everything that moves or makes noise near their house.

3. How much exercise does a Samoyed need?

A daily walk is sufficient for most Samoyeds, but they also need time outside playing fetch or running around off leash in an enclosed area (fenced yard). Most owners also take their Samoyeds on longer walks and hikes on weekends or during the weekdays when they have more time to spare for their pets’ needs.

4.What is the average weight of a Samoyed?

The average weight of a Samoyed is between 35-45 pounds (15-20 kg).

5.What color are they usually?

Samoyeds come in two colors: white with cream or biscuit markings (called “sable”) or all white (called “plain”). Their eyes are always blue or brown in color, although some may have darker shades of blue or brown than others.

6.Do Samoyeds shed much?

Samoyeds shed very little compared to other breeds of dogs like German Shepherds or Huskies who shed heavily during certain seasons of the year. However, they do require regular brushing to keep their fur from matting too much at one time; this should be done about once every week or two depending on how much your dog sheds.

7. What is the average lifespan of a Samoyed dog?

 The average lifespan of a Samoyed dog is between 10-12 years. However, Samoyeds have been known to live as long as 20 years old.

8.Can a Samoyed live in an apartment?

Yes, if you have enough space! A Samoyed needs lots of exercise every day — ideally at least a couple of hours — so you should have a yard or be able to walk your dog on a leash frequently. If not, then you’ll need to take your dog out for walks several times a day so that he doesn’t get bored or anxious. If you don’t have either of these options available to you but still want a Samoyed, then we recommend looking into getting one from a rescue organization rather than buying one from a breeder who sells them as apartment dogs.


The most important thing to remember is that there’s no one right answer. The situation depends on your own personal circumstances and how much you’re willing to spend. If you’re looking for a bargain, there’s probably a good chance you’ll find one.

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